Aggregated climate model products, Arctic and Europe

For the EuroClim climate model products ice, ocean and land surface variables are based on a regional high-resolution coupled atmosphere – ocean – sea ice model for a future climate change scenario as well as for historical simulations.





The specific characteristics are:

  • A regional high-resolution coupled model for the European/Arctic region
  • A coupled model in "historical" simulations for the period from 1948 to 2001 using the available data from the NCEP reanalysis project as atmospheric boundary values. The "historical" dataset will also be used for model validation
  • A regional coupled AOGCM to get reliable regional estimates of future climate changes in the European/Arctic region using data from the coarser resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean models. A transient climate response experiment with a 1% CO2 increase scenario is used as atmospheric boundary condition
  • Products containing special climate change indicators covering both, the historical and the future climate change simulations are provided to the EUROCLIM system